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  1. #1
    Erfahrener Benutzer Hobbygärtner/in
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    Titel: Field Guide to Trees of Southern Africa
    Autor: Braam Van Wyk, Piet Van Wyk
    Sprache: englisch
    Verlag: Struik
    Seiten: 536
    ISBN: 1 86825 922 6
    Aufgelegt am: 1997
    VK Preis: £29.99

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    This field guide to the trees of Southern Africa covers approximately 900 of the species found in the region. The trees are grouped into sections according to leaf shape, and each section is identified by a line drawing of the "leaf group". Each species is illustrated by photographs of the diagnostic tree parts, which may include flowers, fruit, bark, or a combination of these. Concise descriptions of each tree are written with an emphasis on identification and the authors provide additional information on medicinal and other uses of the tree parts where it may be of interest to the reader.

    Das ist wirklich ein Field-Guide, mehr als zum bestimmen von Pflanzen vor Ort kann man das Buch kaum gebrauchen. Es sind fast ausschließlich nur Blätter und Blüten abgebildet. Die wenigsten Bäume zur Gänze abgebildet. Einige Palmen, 2 Baumfarne (Cyathea dregei, Cyathea capensis) und auch zB.: Encephalartos transvenosus. Letztere sieht wirklich interessant aus.

    Als Vorgeschmack, wieviel über eine Pflanze im Buch steht, hier als Beispiel:

    Moringa ovalifolia
    SA: 137 Spring Summer
    Phantom tree
    Small tree with distinctive, squat, swollen stem and branches; occuring in arid areas, usally on rocky hillsides rarely on sandy flats. Bark smooth, pale grey to whitish. Leaves crowded near ends of branches, hairless. Flowers in large, many-flowered panicles. Fruit pod-like and pendulous, 3-sided, up to 400 mm long, splitting into3 valves.
    The leaves and fruit are browsed by elephant, giraffe and springbok. Bark, wood and root eaten by small stock and porcupine. Root edible, but sour-tasting. Wood light, spongy and very brittle.

    Deswegen:Finger weg von diesem Buch!

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  2. #2
    Benutzer Nützling
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    The new Boomf shop opened its doors to the public and got a great reception. The people of the town were impressed with what they saw. It was clear that Boomf https://boomf.com/ had invested a lot of time and money into the construction of their store. When they approached the counter, they were greeted by a friendly assistant who was dressed impeccably. She was very helpful and got them to the section they were searching for quickly.
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  3. #3
    Neuer Benutzer Unkrautzupfer/in
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    For those of you in the Great Lakes, Gerry Smith has a plasticized field guide coming out this fall that will have photographs and Emily Damstra drawings for the species accounts. Should be GREAT

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